
posted in: Flash, Site news | 0

Alright, there’s been some problems with spam on the blog lately, so I set up a new spam blocker.  Hopefully it’ll work better than the previous one. In other news, This is a Work of Fiction continues to move along. … Continued

A word of warning.

posted in: Flash | 0

Here’s the introduction to This is a Work of Fiction.  I thought you guys might be interested.  Probably more to come. To whom it may concern, For starters, a word of warning.  This is a work of fiction.  Nothing contained … Continued

This is a Work of Fiction.

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

The game that I had previously mentioned called The Influence has a new name, and a lot more writing.  The new title is “This is a Work of Fiction.”  I don’t want to explain the whole story, but the title … Continued

Difficult call.

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I’m pretty set in the idea of working on one of two projects that I’ve got laid out now.  The first is Fix, which I explained at least vaguely in an earlier post.  I’m still writing up stuff for it, … Continued


posted in: Flash | 0

As it stands, I’ve got three games that have good stories but no gameplay yet.  Here’s a quick runthrough of them.  These will most likely be the last three games for my contract with Armor, unless something cooler comes around. … Continued

Finally home.

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First of all, if you own an XBox, stop reading this, because I have something more important for you to do:  Go buy Limbo.  Play it right now.  It’s $15, and it’s better than every game I’ve ever made, and … Continued

No posts in a while…

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So I’ve been crazy busy with moving into a new apartment (in a new town) and some other stuff, so I’ve gotten kinda behind on updating the site.  Well, if you were hoping for that to change, I’ve got some … Continued

Starting over…

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So, to start off with a summary, I started over with a lot of the work on Grief.  The engine wasn’t fast enough, and the script wasn’t tight enough.  Got a shitload of work done on both over the past … Continued

A poem.

posted in: Flash | 0

I don’t get all that much fanmade content (excluding the extremely badass Spewer tattoo), but someone just sent me a poem that they wrote about Company, and I figured I’d share it with the class.  Props to Kevin Hoecherl, you’re … Continued

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