Options and a new background

posted in: Freelance Chemist, Unity | 1

Freelance Chemist is getting closer and closer to completion…at this point, there are two puzzles that I still want to revise, but other than that, the only notable stuff left over is implementing the audio and visual assets as they roll in.

I spent today banging out the last major code hurdle – a pause screen/options menu.  Here’s how it’s looking:

Click for full size
Click for full size

Shocking!  Controversial!  International Gaming Publication Weekly calls it “pretty much just an options menu, and not really newsworthy at this time.”

More fluid game progress

posted in: Freelance Chemist, Unity | 0

Heyo –  the fluid game (which, if you haven’t been reading the post categories, is going to be titled “Freelance Chemist”) has been making more steady progress, though I’ve also started working on a contract programming job, so I can’t focus on it exclusively anymore.  I’ve now got all of the levels prototyped, and some of them have been tested and revised enough times to be release-ready (although they still might change before it’s all said and done).

I also received some initial background art from Leah Smith, the game’s visual artist, so I have some new screenies to share!  The set that I have so far is for Chapter 2, but these screenshots are all taken from not-chapter-two levels, so eventually they’ll have different settings…but using these backgrounds everywhere has already made the game much prettier (and it makes the remaining placeholder art look more placeholdery than ever).

As usual, click an image to see it in full size.

Updated goggles, now with visual detail for the effect to play with
Updated goggles, now with visual detail for the effect to play with
A melty screen transition effect – similar to the one used in post-1.1 versions of Not the Robots, except this time it’s more doper
A new fullscreen effect for a “glitchy video feed” look

Something else

posted in: Freelance Chemist, Unity | 1

The fluid puzzler is still making good progress – I made a first draft of the last missing puzzle yesterday, so now it’s all playtesting, revising, polishing, putting in stuff from the other team members as it arrives (audio, visual art, voice acting), and some miscellaneous stuff.  Still don’t really want to show too much of the puzzle content for fear of spoilers…

…so instead, here’s something new and totally unrelated.

Fullscreen shaders

posted in: Freelance Chemist, Unity | 2

Heyo – got another update that’s a little more…uh, visually interesting.

Specifically, the fluid game is going to have two segments that use fullscreen shader effects: one’s a flashback and has that classic “degraded film” effect going on, and the other involves the player character wearing a mask of some sort.

film effect



The mask distortion is a little hard to see with the tiny amount of surface detail in the scene, but it shows up pretty well in the top-left and bottom-center.

The “mask” effect is controlled by an texture that looks like this (it’s a placeholder for the time being):

mask texture

This texture is intended to be a very “non-technical” image format – the white parts of the image are the parts of the screen that get distorted and darkened the most.  The idea is that it’ll be really easy to explain to our visual artist how the texture works, and then they’ll be able to make a higher-quality texture for us, without any hassle in the explanation.


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One Response

  1. Nice idea with the musical instruments, that’s suuuuuuper important for learning something completely. Like you’re going to know about different materials and how sound works, thats cool. I learned about how meat dries, and now I have an idea of how things dry. Also, for the cell game, (maybe) making it more realistic, by like making it kinda like a 3d osmosis jones will make it more visceral and real. maybe. Yea but it’s gonna take you a while to make anything, just like my cousin who’s an artist, each mosaic takes like a month, depending how big it is. A big project, like on the side of a building took him like 8 months, but his work is…. rigorous and detailed and very thoughtful and carefully crafted. His works are good, old museum art good, like roman vases good. Anyway, yea it’s good that you are making your own instruments because i’m doing the same thing, but with economics. It really helps you understand precisely how the physical world works. It’s nice.

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