
posted in: Flash, Site news | 0

Alright, there’s been some problems with spam on the blog lately, so I set up a new spam blocker.  Hopefully it’ll work better than the previous one.

In other news, This is a Work of Fiction continues to move along.  The gameplay is starting to work now (it’s an implementation of the Link-A-Pix puzzle style), which means you guys will probably get to see it relatively soon.  Keep an eye out–I’m really satisfied with where the game is going.

0 Responses

  1. High-Lord Vin

    first comment with new spam guard

    looks the same….

    also, yay, demo time

  2. ^maybe he just let people with good records keep the old one, it certainly seems to be working :)

    Also, a more classic kind of puzzle (as opposed to platformer/action) should be fun. Can’t wait to get the hands-on.

  3. High-Lord Vin

    ow :O

    I have been here long enough to be considered of “good record”

    yay 😀

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