Starting over…

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So, to start off with a summary, I started over with a lot of the work on Grief.  The engine wasn’t fast enough, and the script wasn’t tight enough.  Got a shitload of work done on both over the past … Continued

A poem.

posted in: Flash | 0

I don’t get all that much fanmade content (excluding the extremely badass Spewer tattoo), but someone just sent me a poem that they wrote about Company, and I figured I’d share it with the class.  Props to Kevin Hoecherl, you’re … Continued

Viricide Releases.

posted in: Flash | 27

Viricide has been packed up and sent off into the real world, so you’ll hopefully be seeing it on various game sites pretty soon.  At the time of writing this, it’s on at least Armor and Kongregate.  Reviews are about … Continued


posted in: Uncategorized | 0

Breach 3 has officially changed its name to Viricide.  Check out the nearly finished demo in the tabs near the top of the page.  It’s got a ton of voice acting, so the file size is a relatively hefty (but … Continued