Since I’ve got a full collection of levels, I’ve been getting into the few remaining tasks left in the prequel’s code. Right now, there are four important features that are still missing: A pause menu A comic strip viewer Save … Continued
So…it took about twice as long as I was expecting, but I just finished the 40th level for Company’s prequel. I’m still probably going to revise things here and there, but there are 40 functioning levels and all of the … Continued
Level design continues. I just finished the 37th out of 40! Some of you might note some familiarity in this one… As has been the norm lately, this level doesn’t have any detail objects yet, so the final version will … Continued
First things first: We’re now up to 24 properly dressed levels. They look awesome. Go team! I’m still revising nine more levels after the dressed ones, and then there are seven remaining that don’t exist at all yet. We’re getting close! … Continued
Hey there–hope your years are off to a collectively good start! First off, lookie there, our “beginning of the year” deadline has whizzed by. What a surprise! It’s all good, though–we’re continuing to make solid progress, and we’re getting closer … Continued