Here are a few games I’ve worked on…

Not the Robots

This is my first commercial game as well as my first Steam release – it’s a stealth rogue-lite about eating furniture and it costs $10.

Not the Robots on Steam


A prequel to The Company of Myself about habits and addictions.  Rather dialogue-heavy.

Play Fixation


Fisher-Diver is a minimalist deep-sea fishing game about life, career paths, and the thrill of the hunt.

Play Fisher-Diver

This is a Work of Fiction

Work of Fiction is a strange little game.  20 puzzles to solve and an enormous conspiracy theory to uncover.

Play This is a Work of Fiction

Viricide and You Find Yourself In A Room

Viricide is actually Breach 3, but it got a brand new title for two reasons.  First, it was pretty different from the first two (once you got past the art style).  Second, the first two were kind of unsuccessful.  But, uh, that’s another story.  Viricide focuses on EXADI, a chronically depressed AI who has been infected by all sorts of nasty viruses.

Play Viricide

You Find Yourself In A Room is either a prequel, sequel, or midquel to Viricide.  I usually call them “sister games” because their stories are related in small ways, but their themes are related in big ways.  YFYIAR is the drunken uncle of text adventures:  Abusive, abrasive, and maybe a little funny.

Play You Find Yourself In A Room

The Company of Myself

“Company” is a moody little puzzle game where you play as a hermit and learn a little about his life.  Heavily inspired by other puzzle games (Braid especially), but still substantially unique in style, execution, and puzzle design.  Luka Marcetic made the art and animation, David Carney wrote the music, and I did everything else.

Play The Company of Myself


Spewer sits somewhere between a puzzle game and an action game.  You play as Spewer, a test tube creation with incredible abilities.  Most notably, you can throw up like a champ.  The game has 50 levels, 5 types of vomit (no, I’m not kidding), and one mad scientist who menacingly monitors your progress.  Edmund McMillen did the graphics, I did the code, we shared the game design, Danny B. wrote the music, and Jordan Fehr made the sound effects.

Play Spewer

Other games

I’ve made a bunch more games, but they’re all pretty dated (this is a euphemism for “kinda shitty”) by now.  Here’s a list of them, though, if you want to look them up some time.

  • Breach
  • Breach 2
  • Stranded
  • Float
  • Champion
  • Reverb Part 1
  • Reverb Part 2

There are also some other assorted minor projects that I did for kicks that can be found on my account (2DArray) on Kongregate.

103 Responses

  1. dude you made spewer too. Thats one of my faves, good games and keep them coming

  2. I hope you will someday make a sequel to The Company of Myself.

  3. COM is a awesome game!!

  4. The Company of Myself is a fantastic game. I love the gameplay and the sounds + story are awesome (!!)
    One of the best flashgames i’ve ever played.

  5. Company of Myself is a top class game. Please, make a sequel =D

  6. The Company of Myself is a beautiful game 😀 Brilliant. I wait with impatience for sequel, if you make it :)

  7. Eh, emoticons.

  8. High-Lord Vin

    Every once and awhile, something comes along and you have new hope in entertainment; such an event was the release of “The Dark Knight”; I would never expect such an event would come from a free online game, but here I am!

    great job on CoM! I bookmarked this site and I will check eagerly for you next game 😀

  9. Just wanted to let you know that your comment pages for blog posts are broken.

    Besides that, I wanted to say I saw your post on Reddit and loved everything about the game (especially the ambient music). I stopped playing some of my higher-end PC games for an afternoon because I became so wrapped up in the atmosphere of Company. Thanks again for making a truly beautiful game (and I genuinely mean this) to play free of charge!

  10. I want to congratulate you on The Company of Myself. It’s done well on many different aspects that most flash games don’t touch. The music is touching, graphics look great, challenges are substantial, and emotion is involved. I also liked the help option on youtube. The only thing I’m disappointed in is how short it is! Make another one that’s longer! Please :)

  11. High-Lord Vin

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-392">
    <strong><a href="#comment-392">Lauren</a> :</strong>
    <p>I want to congratulate you on The Company of Myself. It’s done well on many different aspects that most flash games don’t touch. The music is touching, graphics look great, challenges are substantial, and emotion is involved. I also liked the help option on youtube. The only thing I’m disappointed in is how short it is! Make another one that’s longer! Please <img src="; alt=":)" class="wp-smiley"> </p>

    I agree

  12. Company of Myself is really great. Following on that sort of atmosphere in other games would be great. Please make more. Haven’t enjoyed a game as much as this in a long time.

  13. Tobias Willams

    I loved Company of Myself as well as Spewer. Although I liked Company of Myself better; it kind of reminds me of myself.

  14. High-Lord Vin

    after my friend’s shock wore off, he actually found it funny

    this is so because the ending was so unexpected and wow

    human emotions are a weird thing…

  15. Bob The Builder

    Hey homeboy, I been noticing that you be gettin’ lots of fame with that company of mah self game, now lemme get you straight, aite? That game be same as that one otha’ game, Braid, ya feel me? Simila’ story tellin’, simila’ game design, platformin’; although an enormous decrease in difficulty, and color scheme. And even the main character man, he got that tux on like the dude in Braid. Nd’ ya got that simila’ music, and abstract story n the beginning starts to unfold in the end, just like Braid mayne. You best be given credit where credit be due, othawise I will find you.

  16. An emotional piece of brilliance you have created in Company. It touched me in a way no other flash game has, with its emotional impact. I’m curious to know if the story was derived from your personal experiences… It seemed too human to have been a mere creative thought. It speaks to how most of us have felt at one point in our lives, about the love of our lives.

    And congratulations on your prize on, $1500 for winning the monthly contest! Maybe that can go towards making this a bigger project, or another with the same quality.

  17. High-Lord Vin

    <blockquote cite="#commentbody-434">
    <strong><a href="#comment-434">Bob The Builder</a> :</strong>
    <p>Hey homeboy, I been noticing that you be gettin’ lots of fame with that company of mah self game, now lemme get you straight, aite? That game be same as that one otha’ game, Braid, ya feel me? Simila’ story tellin’, simila’ game design, platformin’; although an enormous decrease in difficulty, and color scheme. And even the main character man, he got that tux on like the dude in Braid. Nd’ ya got that simila’ music, and abstract story n the beginning starts to unfold in the end, just like Braid mayne. You best be given credit where credit be due, othawise I will find you.</p>

    says someone who speaks in slang…

  18. Krazywrath

    I really like your Company of Myself game. It was challenged my mind, and emotions! :O
    It’s hard to find games like this anymore. Keep up the good work!!

    *also, you should make a sequel for that game* ;D

  19. High-Lord Vin

    I just noticed the randomly created page names at the top of the screen

  20. bakaboii98

    ur games are awesome!
    pls make a sequal to company of myself or spewer PLZZ.

  21. Rafhnisyaira aulia

    games i’am theryy is love…….

  22. LOVED Company of Myself, another fan hoping for a sequel!

  23. Hello… I have to say, I am very impressed with The Company of Myself. It is so emotional; the storyline is amazing and heart breaking…….. its very touching and saddening. Best game I have ever played- in all honesty.

    Thanks very much.

  24. I really enjoyed ‘The Company of Myself’ especially the story that went along with it. As I went along playing reaching the level where Kathryn had to die, it made me reflect on my own sufferings. A well made game and also, I would like to know whether there is an mp3 for the game music.

    Other than that good job and my thanks for making a game that can pass the time well.

  25. Company Of Myself, like many others here :)

    The moment where you have to push A to make the girl fall and jump on alone came so suddenly, so emotionnally, so perfectly….

    I will be keeping an eye on your site :)

  26. Wilson Silva

    You are my heroes. I’m studying hard to be like you. If you post any tutorial or source code please let me know (:

  27. Hi Eli,

    I’ve recently started gaming blog (didn’t think there were enough of those on the internet…) and my first review is of Spewer. I enjoyed it a great deal, so take a look:

    Feel free to quote/link to/ignore as you see fit. I realise I don’t exactly carry much critical weight as of yet, but I know from experience that I enjoy reading the smaller blogs’ reviews of my band’s releases as much as the mainstream press ones.

    Cheers for a great game – and apologies for leaving an apparently self serving comment, I looked for an email, but couldn’t find one…

    I Am The Manta

  28. i like the game but not A level in the first set of levels.

  29. Hey guy!

    Im currently working on some multiplayer stuff, having huge troubles with the server (I cannot get it to connect the clients as it should….), so Id like to ask you, if you could send the source of your game published on Kongregate with the name “Just chatting”, so that I get a point where I can start from.
    Simply send it to the email I entered for this comment :)

    Best regards and I hope you will send it to me :)

  30. luvmycats026

    this is about spewer great game but it is a shame that you cant somehow get unlimited puke because i would love it if you could flood whole levels and put the whole level underwater but it would make it easy but you could make it possible to earn the ability of unlimed puke like a secret ability that you have to unlock well i would love to be able to flood whole levels.

  31. The Company of Myself is a wonderfully crafted game. I enjoyed the storyline, music, and gameplay. Probably the best flash game I have played on the internet thus far.

  32. i loved Company of Myself, but i have NO clue how to get past the part of “i have more to say. i really do”

  33. PrinceViral

    i can t stop playing “The Company of Myself”. Awesome game and wonderfully done; game-wise and story-wise. Who knew a flash game can touch people like that.
    Keep up the good work!

  34. I consider you to be one of the most emotion-provoking game designers out there.

    Your game "The Company of Myself" has been more emotionally demanding than some major console games out there.

    For that, I give props. Wise, clever gameplay, a dreary, moody but touching backstory and damn fine coding make this the best flash game released recently.

    I’m a fan.

  35. Spewer has a nice ending, great game, and COM is amazingly awesome.

  36. man spewe on newgrounds doesnt work it just gives me the image of the little guy with his heart pumping and thats it

  37. if you are thinkin about a sequel to the company of myself please let me know via email great game!!!! ive heard a lot of rumors about it being based on a true story is it ????


  38. the company of myself is the best game ive ever played but its really sad. i like how even the tutorial is written in first person the whole way till the shrink part. please make a sequel

  39. The 14th Musician

    Urgh… I cried playing TCoM.
    It’ll be interesting to explore the possibilities of how Jack lives while being alone, as in the feelings of a bit… mental person

  40. Joshua Ying

    LOL so mawny people say to make a sequel of COM and I agree. Please do it, sir

  41. Hong Kong Fooey

    The Company of Myself is an incredible game, and I am most definitely going to be checking this site every couple weeks for information on a sequel. No pressure though, of course :)

  42. Some time ago, I really needed to buy a house for my corporation but I didn’t have enough cash and couldn’t purchase anything. Thank God my comrade adviced to take the mortgage loans from creditors. Thus, I acted that and was satisfied with my secured loan.

  43. Not as proud of your old games? I remember playing Stranded and Reverb and I absolutely loved them!


    i cant understand the 2d array games. so how to understand it more effective?

  45. jimmy mang

    hey man i love your game company of myself
    can you send me the music to it? i absolutely love it

  46. I would like to note that less than 1000 people have sent in scores for Viricide out of over 400,000 plays. So we can probably say that, like, 10% of people beat it… I am the 877th person to send score after beating. =P hurray

  47. I played through the “Viricide” game once. I felt genuinely attached to EXADI and felt rather sad when I had to put her down. What an unjust person her programmer was. ))) He makes emotional, feeling AI system, then ODs on antidepressants. Awesome!!!!!!!!

  48. Your game Company of Myself is presented in an article about browser games on, a major german news site. It’s called “great art”.,1518,728553-3,00.html


  49. Your game Company of Myself is presented in an article about browser games on, a major german news site. It’s called "great art".,1518,728553-3,00.html


  50. Your game Company of Myself is presented in an article about browser games on, a major german news site. It\’s called \&quot;great art\&quot;.,1518,728553-3,00.html


  51. love your games, keep them coming

  52. […] blog post is not about the interesting little Flash game by 2DArray, although you should totally check that out, along with Piilonen’s other games. […]

  53. every time someone challenged me to always say something like p2p firewall

  54. Your games are amazing and have great stories!! I found Company amazing. KEEP MAKING THEM PLEASE!!!! 😀

  55. Spewer is my favorite of the bunch here. The Company of Myself is a close second though (the puzzles in it were very clever). There is just something about a 2D game that makes me feel like a kid again.

  56. good topic to talk to

  57. i like your games

  58. Wait, what the heck? You developed „Stranded“? The 3D survival game for PC?

  59. Is there somewhere we can donate to you? i just played Company of myself and i was so touched.

  60. Chard, I’m not planning on putting up a donation button or anything, but if you really want to send me money, my PayPal account is

  61. Thanks for the games, I’m always inspired by all the work that goes into begins you have created

  62. A game with 50 levels of puking??? Not my thing, but I’m sure my son would love it. I’ll be sure to tell him about it (and I’ll probably regret it…)

  63. A game with 50 levels of puking??? Not my thing, but I’m sure my son would love it. I’ll be sure to tell him about it (and I’ll probably regret it…)

  64. Wow, 50 different levels I would imagine that would keep even a diehard gamers busy for a while

  65. 50 levels and 5 types of vomit — gotta love it. But seriously, it’s great to see this level of creativity can still exist in the world of gaming. You’re doing a great service showing that the little guy can still come up with great stuff.

  66. Nice games. Thanks for sharing.

  67. Is there any way to get the music for “This is a Work of Fiction”?

    I love it. Reminds me of “Nurse with Wound.”

  68. You are very creative to come up with these games, and a little weird, too, man. LOL frederick sallaz

  69. Dear Eli,
    This is Alex from, the leading flash distributor based in China. We’d like to invite you to try our service, pls kindly check from this link:
    We really like your games and hope to help you do the distribution here in China.

    We have developed a partnership with over 500 developers and many big portals such as Disneygames,,,,, and worked more than 2000 games with them, you can get revenue from our cooperation. It would make your game more popular here.

    If you are interested in it, please do not hesitate to contact me. We sincerely hope to work with you.

    My email address:
    my msn:
    my skype: AlexUUWin


  70. The Wizard

    Love your work man. Your story driven games are amazing.

  71. Gosh, I really don’t want to get addicted to any more games…but these look so fun.

  72. The documents from “This is a work of fiction” sound very much like a philosophical concept known as “Hard Determinism.”

    I gathered that quite quickly from “The influences”, referring in this case to the things that make us do what we do. The entire concept of free-will is an illusion with determinism, and it makes for an extremely interesting concept.

  73. Pleeeeeeeease make a sequel to Company of Myself! It is one of the best games I’ve ever played in my entire life, and I’ve played alot of games XD

  74. I would really like a sequel to Company of Myself, and more of the story. I’ve read tons of different theories as to what “happened”, but I want a final, no arguments, creator says, answer to the ending. The puzzles were superb, but the story makes me want to claw my brains out with annoyed wondering.

  75. Company Of Myself was the best flash game i have ever played! hoping for a sequal!

  76. I love your games. Due to a brain injury, I can’t play most games. Though I love yours. The Company of Myself actually helped me a little when I was finishing up ninth grade. I just finished YFYIAR and I loved it. Thank you, continue to make games please. <3

  77. You make awesome games.

  78. CloudStrife776

    IF anyone knows some unblocked proxys plz give them to me SCHOOL IS SO BORING!!!! LOL Good Job on the games though man

  79. TheCactusThief

    Why the drastic change in art/graphic styles for the company of myself sequel?

  80. @Drew44: If you’re looking for tunes, you should check over at David’s website,
    @Anthony: The prequel will shed some new light on the original’s storyline.
    @TheCactusThief: You’ll be playing as Kathryn instead of Jack.

  81. Bananfish

    I love “The Company of Myself”!

  82. Lauderdale

    Fisher-Diver is awesome game. Will be great if you make a sequel with more species of fish, more weapons, and maybe longer story line…

  83. <3 Fixation

  84. yeah, company of myself, on one the most beautiful flash games i ever played, pleeeeeease make a sequel ._.

  85. The post is worth while reading, I like it very much and which you shared the info in this post is very useful. Thanks for sharing a wonderful post.

  86. Hi all,

    being Strategic Partner Manager at the largest German Social Network (VZ – I already tried to contact you and did not get a response.

    I would very much like to discuss the opportunities our two organisations would have when working together.

    Please contact me via mail order for me to forward essential pieces of information that provide a brief overview of our business.

    Looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards from Berlin
    Johannes Martiny

  87. The best game on this page is Fixation


    Would be great to see more posts like this one……

  89. You should definitely make a sequel of “The company of myself”

    Just my opinion

  90. I mean….. other than “fixation” which was pretty great :)

  91. Thank you for “Company of Myself” and “Fixation”! Such beautiful games. You’re truly a genius, Eli, and I wish you all the best.

  92. viralintruder

    Fixation was simultaneously awe-inspiring and melancholy… I felt sad at the end. Just beautiful games you have made over the years. I previously didn’t know you made Breach and Viricide (both of which I loved immensely) until i looked up your profile on Kongregate and got here.

    I can’t express how satisfying flash games with deep stories to be told are, and you certainly know how to pump them out. Originality and heart appeal are your strong suits, and I am definitely looking to another one of your games! Keep doing what you do best! ♥

  93. Company of Myself would have to be one of the best game i’ve ever played, thanks. Keep up the good work!

  94. Sir/Maam,
    Your games are an inspiration! I hope you have a long and rewarding career making such great and fun stories.
    James Raynor

  95. Patrick B-D

    Your games are artworks, in fact TCOM and fixation are back to back my first and second fave flash games, ever. I implore you to make a third one in the series, as I really want to explore Jacks back story more, or perhaps the part in between the murder and his confinement. Regardless of the topic, please do make another in the series.

    Thanks for the hours of entertainment,

    Patrick B-D.

  96. spewer is GREAT its fun and it has great phisics. if there was a sequel with much more power ups and features that would EEEEPPPPIIIICCC! and congrats i checked out your games and wow i amazed bro!

  97. I would like to inform you that, on all sites I tried, the first level of Company of Myself is broken. When you press space in front of the door, it restarts the level. Could you please fix it. I was really looking forward to playing it.

  98. OMG you made the Reverb AND The Company of Myself games? WOW, I loved all of those games SO MUCH! Especially TCoM! I just was laughing so hard watching all the clones jump around, but in all seriousness I LOVED the plot so much! And Fixation tied in very nicely! You are awesome!

  99. Hi, 2D just came by to say that you should port your best games like Viricide, Fixation, and The Company of Myself to Steam. I would buy it full price!

  100. I really love The Company of Myself and Fixation. They have really helped me think, I’m serious. I love those games so much. Will you make another game that is part of the storyline? I really love those games. And is there some way I can subscribe to you or something so I know when it comes out?

  101. Sabre Shadow

    I love your work. <3

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