I know, I know. I haven’t posted in almost two months. It’s been a crazy time over here. I’ve moved into a new house in an old town, adopted a kitten, cured AIDS, commissioned an oil painting of Ludacris for my living room, and found two people to work for me (LIKE A BOSS). Among other things.
This is a Work of Fiction is almost finished. It took a while longer than I was expecting because halfway through I realized that I probably don’t need to write code anymore, so I scrapped the shitty, unorganized script that I had written so far and instead hired two programmers to write it cleanly so I can focus on design.
What does that mean for you guys? It means I’ve got more time to work on the style, substance, and content of the games I make instead of the collision detection, physics, and keyboard input. And if you’re worried that my games are going to lose some kind of personal touch because someone else is making them now, consider this: What’s your favorite element of Company? Is it the control scheme? Maybe the audio management? The level data’s compression methods?
I doubt it. The stuff that made Company memorable had nothing to do with the code.
Anyway, the programmers should be done within a few days, according to their last estimate. David is working on the music and sound as of yesterday, and he’ll probably take around a week or so (?) to finish. I’m very close to being done with the writing (just some tweaks and stuff now), and then the last major thing for me to do is make the levels (after the programmers send over a level editor for me to play with, that is).
(Go figure, my “last major thing” is designing all of the actual game content. Weird.)
0 Responses
Can’t wait, man! I’ve checked your site for updates every little while, and this made my day!
This really made my day, i cant wait for the next great storyline
Awesome. But as for Company, I really was a fan of that data compression.
Sounds cool.
As far as you being a programmer, I have always really looked up to your work, especially on Company and Spewer. It always seemed to be really innovative and it always worked perfectly.
Anyway, I will be more than satisfied if the programmers that you hired can do as excellent of a job as you have done.
Yay! I am so excited! I can’t wait!
Liking that Lonely Island reference there.
Adopted a kitten? pfft. Thats nothing, I adopted a rare whale…beat that!
And now we know what happens when you get more time to focus on the storyline (if YFYIAR was anything to go by) It felt like I was just being shouted at by a string of angry text. :/
Only joking, your latest game was awesome! (in a rather brutal way)