New smoke, and a picture of a crane.

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I think this is the fifth time I’ve tried making the smoke for Fix work.  It’s been slowly getting closer and closer to something usable for a full game, and I think this version is finally the one!

It’s very simple, but it looks totally beautiful from where I’m sitting.  I’m going for more stylized and less realistic look than before, because honestly, I think it’s prettier (mostly because it escapes an Uncanny Valley of sorts this way).  It’s also by far the most efficient of any of the methods I’ve tried so far, so it should run well on all kinds of hardware.

I’m not putting up a playable demo of this one just yet (needs more userfriendliness), but for the time being, here’s a screenshot.

Look at that blueness.

I can’t wait to let you guys see this thing in motion.

Oh, and like I said in the title, here’s a photo of a crane.  It’s not related or anything.  Cranes are pretty cool, though, and this giant one has been looming in my hometown for a while now.  Sorry the file is so huge–JPG artifacts make the background really awkward.

Click me.

0 Responses

  1. High-Lord Vin

    the crane looks animated *shifty eyes*

  2. Agreed.

  3. Sweet looking crane. Nice pic.

    Anyway, the smoke looks really nice. Kind of a watercolor thing going. It’s classy, and I like it.

  4. @ High-Lord Vin
    Totally not animated! An animation wouldn’t be nearly that cool…

    Anyways, the smoke looks really nice! So blue… :)

  5. Smoke looks awesome! can’t wait to screw around with it in the new demo. Crane looks damn sweet too.
    Keep up the good work!

  6. Robertosstevens

    didnt know where else to post this, so, i just wanted to say that your game, “The Company of Myself” is one of my all time favorite games, the music was a perfect fit, the plot was amazing, it could be used for a bigger game, only comparing it as smaller to a console game, and the grafics were great, especially the smoke that appears after pressing space, or the blocks that disapear after a lever is pushed

  7. Robertosstevens

    didnt know where else to post this, so, i just wanted to say that your game, “The Company of Myself” is one of my all time favorite games, the music was a perfect fit, the plot was amazing, it could be used for a bigger game, only comparing it as smaller to a console game, and the grafics were great, especially the smoke that appears after pressing space, or the blocks that disapear after a lever is pushed, i really hope to see more games like this, thanks

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