Yet another fishing update

posted in: Flash | 0

There’s a new version of the fishing game (is “Fishing Dream” a stupid title?) in the tab near the top of the page.  Most of the changes are focused on shaping the “fun-ness” of the gameplay.  Up until now the game has (hopefully) been fun to play with because the mechanics are interesting, but now I’m starting to make the actual gameplay choices more compelling on their own.  Oxygen management is one of the biggest changes–the game looks almost the exact same as last week, but just because of the oxygen meter, it plays pretty differently.  As always, I’ll love you for always and forever if you give me any kind of (honest) feedback.

0 Responses

  1. High-Lord Vin

    “Fishing Dream” sounds kindof cheesy; and would you play a game whos name was “Fishing Dream”?

  2. SBRedFlag

    Yeah, honestly, Fishing Dream doesn’t sound very appealing :/
    I’m not good at coming up with titles myself… maybe something simple like “Fish Hunt”… or incorporate the word “Angler”… “Master Angler”?
    …idk, whatever.

    I’ll give it a play later, I’m a bit busy atm.

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