Lots to show, but no time to show it…

posted in: Unity | 1

Hey y’all – I’ve got various updates to the stealth game (new enemy character art, custom trial levels, unlock progress, mildly randomized flooring, etc), but I don’t have any time to show it off yet because I’m about to head to Richmond for the weekend to participate in Ludum Dare 25.  If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s a game dev event where people try to make a game (alone or in small teams) over the course of either two or three days (depending on how strict an entrant wants to be).  I always tell people that they should do stuff like this because it’s great practice, but I’ve never actually participated in one myself…and that’s kinda silly, so it’s about time to fix it.

Anyway – basically, there’ll be a chunk of new information/pictures/video about the stealth game and a free minigame somewhere next week.  Get hype!

One Response

  1. Jamie Rezendes


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