You can email me ( 2DArray at gmail), our Facebook profile is called “Not the Robots,” and my personal facebook is just my name (Eli Piilonen). Cheers!
Hey! I remember trying out your game at casual connect Singapore, we are in the same room at the indie prize showcase, congrats on the release in Steam!
Hey David – we’re going to be putting up a Steam-free version for sale directly from our site for people who prefer it that way, but we haven’t gotten it up and running yet. Should be soon!
9 Responses
I am excited.
Jamie Rezendes
Lol wow. That was sudden.
Hey, how do we get in contact with you? There’s no contact us page or Facebook link or anything.
You can email me ( 2DArray at gmail), our Facebook profile is called “Not the Robots,” and my personal facebook is just my name (Eli Piilonen). Cheers!
Hey! I remember trying out your game at casual connect Singapore, we are in the same room at the indie prize showcase, congrats on the release in Steam!
Hi Eli,
The FAQ states: “No, Not the Robots is DRM-free.”
So where can I get the DRM free version?
And yes, I am implying Steam is a form of DRM because they can deny access to my games at any time.
Best regards,
Hey David – we’re going to be putting up a Steam-free version for sale directly from our site for people who prefer it that way, but we haven’t gotten it up and running yet. Should be soon!
YAY! Thank you!
Alex S
Buying this as I’m speaking ! Looks awesome!