“Work of Fiction” releases.

posted in: Flash | 0

Hey everybody, the game’s finally out.  You can play it here.  I’ll start putting it up on other websites (Newgrounds, Kongregate, etc) soon.

This means that now, it’s time to start working on a new project.  I’ve narrowed it down to two possible games, but I’m not sure which one to start with.  So, it’s time for a really unofficial vote!  Leave me a comment and let me know which you would like to see first:  A prequel to Company of Myself, or an RPG set in an office environment.  I’ve got some awesome ideas for both of them, and I’m pretty confident that they’ll both turn out to be pretty awesome.  It’s just a matter of which one gets made first at this point.

Level design is finished.

posted in: Flash | 0

I’ve been sick for a few days, which is Cantonese for “I haven’t been able to get anything done.”  I’m feeling better now, though, and today’s my first day back at work.

Work of Fiction now has twenty solid levels.  Five puzzle types with four puzzles each.  The document select window also works, but you can’t actually inspect the documents yet.  David is really close to finishing the sound, and with that and a few more random features (like saving progress and unlocking levels/docs), we’ll be totally done.

Remember that one time when you promised to give me feedback if I put up a new version of the game for public testing?  I don’t either, but I uploaded the current version anyway.  You can play it by hitting the “Fiction” tab near the top.  Please give me feedback.

An important announcement.

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I’ve finally decided:  I’m not going to bother with “dammit” or “damnit” anymore.  “Dammit” is a real word, but “damnit” looks better.  Well guess what?  From now on, I’m writing “damn it.”  Two words.

Get pumped.

Closer and closer…

posted in: Flash | 0

Work of Fiction is still coming along.  19 out of 20 levels are finished at this point.  The main menu and level select work (and they’re kind of awesome).  The writing may or may not be done.  Can’t be long now!

Riddles solved.

posted in: Flash | 0

You might have missed it, but for a little while there, I had four riddles (part of Work of Fiction) posted here.  The point was to make sure that they’re all solvable by normal people–Turns out, all of them are, so everything’s gravy.  Sorry if you weren’t around to see them, but fret not.  They’ll all be included in the game, which will hopefully be finished within a week.  And this time, I actually mean it.

Current status of all major features:

Route:  Two working puzzles.

River:  Four working puzzles.

Rotary:  Four working puzzles.

Riddle:  Four working puzzles.

Fifth puzzle:  Doesn’t actually exist yet.

Image viewer:  Fully planned, but not coded.

Writing:  Almost done editing.

Music:  Finished.

Sound:  In progress.

Miscellaneous (menus, logos, etc):  Nothing done yet.

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One Response

  1. Nice idea with the musical instruments, that’s suuuuuuper important for learning something completely. Like you’re going to know about different materials and how sound works, thats cool. I learned about how meat dries, and now I have an idea of how things dry. Also, for the cell game, (maybe) making it more realistic, by like making it kinda like a 3d osmosis jones will make it more visceral and real. maybe. Yea but it’s gonna take you a while to make anything, just like my cousin who’s an artist, each mosaic takes like a month, depending how big it is. A big project, like on the side of a building took him like 8 months, but his work is…. rigorous and detailed and very thoughtful and carefully crafted. His works are good, old museum art good, like roman vases good. Anyway, yea it’s good that you are making your own instruments because i’m doing the same thing, but with economics. It really helps you understand precisely how the physical world works. It’s nice.

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