Music is finished!

posted in: Flash | 4

David just finished up all of the music for Fixation.  He made TEN tracks for the game!  There’s a long loop for each of the five gameplay settings and five more (shorter) loops specially made for certain story points.  For comparison, the original game had two songs that switched back and forth every few minutes.

I still don’t know how he does it.  I can’t wait for you guys to hear the rest of the music.  David and Ben have both done such incredibly wonderful work with their parts of this project…I’m ridiculously proud of them for their contributions and immensely thankful that they’ve stuck with me for as long as they have.

The current estimate is that the remaining audio (the sound effects) will be done in about two days.

Oh, also…I just hooked up Google Analytics, and it seems like more people read this blog than I had realized.  Hello, everyone!

We’re also about to start hooking up the actual sound effects, which is ridiculously exciting for me.  Here’s a picture of the sound map for one of the first chapter’s levels.  This defines what footstep noises to use for each surface that people can stand on.  In this image, Pink surfaces are covered in carpeting, Grey is the doors, and Brown is wood.

Almost time

posted in: Flash | 0

First things first:  It looks like Fixation will be complete some time next week.  Ben’s finished with all of the art assets, the code is more or less finished, and David says he’ll have the audio finished within a few days.  It won’t release immediately, since we’ll need to wait on Armor for a few things and we might delay a little until the hype around GDC dies down a bit.  Regardless, the game will launch in March.

I sent out an advanced copy (with no audio) to a gaming blog that had showed interest, so I’ll put up a link to their writeup when it rolls out.  Seems like they enjoyed the game, so I’m feeling pretty good about it!

Wanna hear some music?  Here’s the default loop for the first chapter.

Chapter One

Alpha status

posted in: Flash | 0

The prequel to The Company of Myself has reached an official “alpha” state!

In general, this means that all of the features and content are in place, but things will still get tweaked and revised before the game is finished.  In this particular case, the alpha is still missing audio, but this is due to David’s time constraints and such, and we’ve known for a while that the audio would be one of the last things to be added.  So we’re still on track, and the game is almost complete!  It’s immensely exciting to see the game in a beginning-to-end playable state.  I think you guys are gonna like this one!

Here’s a screenshot of the starting screen of the main menu that Ben designed.

There are also two more screens for credits and the level select grid, but you’ll have to wait for the actual release to see those.



posted in: Flash | 2

Since I’ve got a full collection of levels, I’ve been getting into the few remaining tasks left in the prequel’s code.  Right now, there are four important features that are still missing:

  • A pause menu
  • A comic strip viewer
  • Save data
  • Cheat codes

The main menu is coded, and it includes a nice little level select grid with 25×25 pixel thumbnails of each level (1/20th of normal scale).  These are rendered from bits of the game’s actual level data, which means that if I make changes to the levels, the thumbnails will automatically stay up-to-date.  Here are the thumbnails for the first two chapters.  How cute!

Have a nice Monday night.

January 26th: The end of Design Levels December.

posted in: Flash | 0

So…it took about twice as long as I was expecting, but I just finished the 40th level for Company’s prequel.  I’m still probably going to revise things here and there, but there are 40 functioning levels and all of the puzzles are in.  What a milestone!

I’m feeling good about the game’s conclusion.  I’ve been planning it out during the past few months of work, and it’s pretty strange to finally see it in action.  It should work in completely different ways for the people who’ve played the original and the people who haven’t, which is exciting to me.

David’s music is also starting to come together, and it’s sounding marvelous.  What else would we expect from him at this point?

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One Response

  1. Nice idea with the musical instruments, that’s suuuuuuper important for learning something completely. Like you’re going to know about different materials and how sound works, thats cool. I learned about how meat dries, and now I have an idea of how things dry. Also, for the cell game, (maybe) making it more realistic, by like making it kinda like a 3d osmosis jones will make it more visceral and real. maybe. Yea but it’s gonna take you a while to make anything, just like my cousin who’s an artist, each mosaic takes like a month, depending how big it is. A big project, like on the side of a building took him like 8 months, but his work is…. rigorous and detailed and very thoughtful and carefully crafted. His works are good, old museum art good, like roman vases good. Anyway, yea it’s good that you are making your own instruments because i’m doing the same thing, but with economics. It really helps you understand precisely how the physical world works. It’s nice.

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