Gameplay Alpha Number 3

posted in: Unity | 3

Some more updates for you: Some new types of furniture – Two new desks – Two new PCs and a new computer monitor – Two new floor lamps (removed that awkward rectangular one) – An update to the vending machine Some new … Continued

New alpha build for you

posted in: Unity | 4

Got some little updates for you – if you played the alpha before, your content unlock progress and settings and such should still work with this new version. Some of the stuff that’s new: – Some new furniture and doodad … Continued

And one for Thursday, too

posted in: Unity | 2

Here are the links to the public testing version of Not the Robots.  About time! Windows Windows (64 bit) Mac Linux A very special prize will be awarded to the first person who can play the alpha version enough to … Continued

A little surprise for your Wednesday

posted in: Unity | 3

I’ve had less stuff to work on lately than usual because the stealth game is still approaching its testing milestone, so I’ve got a bunch of to-do lists that I can’t work on quite yet, and instead I’ve had some … Continued

Title Card

posted in: Unity | 13

Quick – and be honest – is this a stupid title? Public testing/Greenlight/Kickstarter are all getting closer all the time… (EDIT)  Guess that one sucks – here’s another shot at it.

Ludum Dare 25 and a little bit about sneakers

posted in: Unity | 1

I’ve got the result of my first game jam – it’s sorta rudimentary but I’m still pretty happy with it.  It’s supposed to be exploratory, so expect a certain amount of fiddling. Click me In other news, David is squared … Continued

Lots to show, but no time to show it…

posted in: Unity | 1

Hey y’all – I’ve got various updates to the stealth game (new enemy character art, custom trial levels, unlock progress, mildly randomized flooring, etc), but I don’t have any time to show it off yet because I’m about to head … Continued

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